Showing posts with label Database Management. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Database Management. Show all posts

Thursday 6 February 2014

Tools For Data Mining, Data Visualization & Machine Learning

So What is Data Visualization – Data Visualization is the process of slicing, dicing and visualizing data manually with the objective of identifying patterns, trends and characteristics in one’s data set. Data Visualization is an integral part of performance analysis regularly used to identify patterns within the business or infrastructure workload data for purposes of triage or diagnostics. Data Visualization tools are also used to visualize and analyze data as a first step before feeding them into modeling tools for purposes of modeling & forecasting. Data Mining and Machine Learning at concepts that we will be adding to over a period of time.
Provided below is a list of frequently used tools for purposes of Data Visualization. At this point this page includes just links to the various tool vendors or websites. Over a period of time we intend to introduce a summary of different tools, tool reviews including a short description of their strengths and weaknesses to help readers better grasp positioning of the relevant tools and frameworks within the enterprise.
VendorArea Of FocusLink
DundasData VisualizationLink
GrapheurData VisualizationLink
ImpureData VisualizationLink
PowerviewData VisualizationLink
QlikviewData VisualizationLink
R ProjectData Visualization + Analytical + Statistical ModellingLink
StatisticaData Visualization + Statistical ModellingLink
TableauData VisualizationLink